About Remedy Exchange

Remedy Exchange, Inc. established in 2013 is a licensed substance abuse prevention program in the State of Michigan designed to help individuals and communities make positive lifestyle choices. The focus of our work is centered around the Strategic Prevention Framework and a Positive Community Norms approach. Both of these frameworks lay the foundation for the programs and services offered by Remedy Exchange. We work effectively with individuals and small groups, guiding them through a variety of educational, skill building, and intervention strategies to reduce high risk choices around alcohol, marijuana and other substance use. Community-based strategies address perception of risk, access and social norms related to substance abuse among youth and adults. 

Our Team

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Lisa Fockler, BAA, CPC, MCHES
Owner/Program Director

Lisa started Remedy Exchange, Inc. with one goal in mind – to help people. This has been her goal throughout her 30 plus years of working in public health.  Lisa’s passion for helping others who struggle with issues around mental health and substance use disorders is rooted in best practices and the science of prevention.  Lisa holds a Bachelor’s degree in Public Health Education from Central Michigan University and is a Certified Prevention Consultant (CPC) and Master Certified Health Education Specialist (MCHES). She has worked in a variety of settings including public health departments, school-based health  centers and community-based mental health and substance abuse prevention coalitions. Lisa regularly collaborates with local, state and national organizations in the areas of strategic planning, coalition development and training.

Siarah has a passion for helping, motivating and making a difference in the lives of others. She believes in protecting and improving the health of individuals, families and communities through evidence-based public health approaches. She recently graduated from Western Michigan University with a Bachelor of Science in Public Health. Siarah’s role as Project Coordinator for Remedy Exchange helps to connect our programs and services throughout Genesee County.

Headshot Siarah Cole

Siarah Cole, B.S.
Project Coordinator


Alex Boylan, B.A.
Graphic Designer/Program Facilitator

Alex has a passion for creating and for people. He believes everyone is an artist in their own way and unlocking that realization can bring you to new heights. He graduated from the University of Michigan Flint with a Bachelor’s of Arts degree in Art & Design and a concentration in Graphic Design. He has worked as a freelance designer for most of his university career, and a marketing internship with Oh, Hello Branding Group provided him with techniques and new opportunities to combine and refine his different skill sets. Alex also works as an Experiential Education Facilitator through the Genesee Career Institute (GCI) to help both K-12th grade students as well as corporate adult groups develop better team skills such as trust, communication, leadership, problem-solving, and how to step out of their comfort zones.

Participant Quotes

“I thought Lisa was amazing. The course was an entire workday and she was able to keep the class engaged and informed the entire 8 hours.” – Mental Health First Aid participant

“Great information, well presented, and a great refresher on my previous training in 2014. It also made me aware of my own personal “issues” and how to take care of myself better. Thank you!” – Mental Health First Aid participant

“I learned that my feelings are always valid and healthy ways to recognize and communicate my emotions to others” – Nurturing Families participant

“I’m listening a lot more, taking people’s feelings into consideration and wanting to make a change for the better!” – Nurturing Families participant

“The entire workshop was very informative and well-structured/organized – presenters kept us engaged.” – SAPST participant

“It was very informative and NOTHING like I expected. I appreciate how professional Lisa was as well as friendly and approachable. She answered every question I had in a way it was easy to understand. I thought the class would be just a task I had to get through to get my license. I was wrong…I left there with information that I found very helpful and the time flew by.  I never imagined I would be saying this but… I really enjoyed the class! Keep up the good work!” – Prime for Life program participant