Guiding Good Choices


Guiding Good Choices (GGC) is a family skills-training program designed for parents and their middle-school aged children in grades four through seven. In six interactive sessions, parents and caregivers learn specific skills that promote healthy development and reduce risky behavior in the teen years. Home practice and weekly family meetings build family connections and help families apply skills in real life. Guiding Good Choices emphasizes strong family bonds as the key that motivates preteens to follow family guidelines and stay on a course toward better health and educational outcomes as teenagers.

  • Identification of risk factors for adolescent substance abuse and a strategy to enhance protective family processes.
  • Development of effective parenting practices, particularly regarding substance use issues
  • Family conflict management
  • Use of family meetings as a vehicle for improving family management and positive child involvement. 

Format: In person, Online

Contact us for cost and implementation requirements.